Little Walsingham Annunciation
Church of the Annunciation Little Walsingham
Where to find this church
Church Information
The Roman Catholic Church of the Annunciation is located in Little Walsingham, a Norfolk village.
This church is usually open to visitors
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Visiting Little Walsingham Annunciation
The Church of the Annunciation in Little Walsingham, a famous place of pilgrimage, is the only Roman Catholic church among the British Round Tower Churches.
This is the latest Round Tower Church to be built, under the guidance of a local architect Anthony Rossi, in 2006. Because the site of the previous “Temporary Church” was long and narrow, built in 1950, a bit more land was acquired to the north, but the site is still very restricted by other housing, in the middle of the Village. It is also on a slope, so part of the building is below ground level. Fortunately Roman Catholic Churches do not have to be orientated to have the holiest part of the Church at the east end. This Church is approached from the east, from the Market Place, and at its east end is a round tower. It is not like a medieval church tower, but it is round and holds a bell. It is somewhat wide and short for a round tower, faced with the local flints, has red brick and handmade clay tiles for highlights, and it is positioned above a larger circular porch. The tower’s east wall has “A M D G” and “MMVI” set with red bricks into the flint wall, (“To the greater glory of God” and the date “2006”). The worship space stretches from east to west, and there is a short north transept which accommodates the sanctuary, which is circular and centrally positioned along the north wall. Other spaces are provided by a first floor parish room within the roof space, and side chambers.
Three types of Ancaster stone are used in the Sanctuary for the furniture and fittings. The shafts supporting the various items are made of the “blue” version of the stone, and the font and holy water stoup are fitted with blue glass bowls. The area steps and paving are Ancaster hard white. Behind the altar is a very tall narrow window, in front of which is a spectacular bronze of Christ on the Cross. By the font the aumbry displays three flagons of the sacred oils used in the sacraments.
I wanted to add this church even though it has not a lot in common with the mostly medieval churches on this site, as it comprises of the most important feature of all the churches on this website: a round tower.