Crossmichael Church
Crossmichael Church
Where to find this church
Church Information
This church with no dedication is located in Crossmichael, a village in Dumfries and Galloway in Scotland. It can be found on the A713, about 3 miles north of Castle Douglas.
This church is locked
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Visiting Crossmichael church
Crossmichael church in southern Scotland has no know dedication, and it is really difficult to find out anything about its history and its architecture. Furthermore, it is kept locked, and no keyholder is shown, so I have not been able to see the interior, even though I have already been twice at this church. On our latest visit, the church was stripped of its usual white paint, meaning we had the rare opportunity to see it “naked” as it was built.
The following few information have been taken from the website: this parish church was dedicated to St Michael and belonged to Sweetheart Abbey. The church hall is dated 1611, and a burial vault of the Gordons of Aird in the church yard bears the date 1629. The church was rebuilt in 1751. On the south side of the modern church is a round tower with a pointed roof. The church is in normal use. The barrel-vaulted burial vault is intact but is now used as a tool-store. Beside the church stood the old St Michael’s Cross at which every year the Michaelmas Fair was held. The fair has lasted on into modern times but the cross has long gone since.