Evangelische Kirche Crumbach
Evangelische Kirche Crumbach
Where to find this church
Church Information
This church with no dedication is located in Crumbach, part of the Gemeinde Lohfelden in the south-east of the City of Kassel in the German Bundesland Hesse.
The church is usually locked
* denotes external links that open in a new window
Visiting Evangelische Kirche Crumbach
This is the only church on the website which we have not visited yet ourselves, but which I still have alreday included. The reason for this is that my sister took these photos when she was in the Kassel region, and as she has become a Round Tower Churches enthusiast herself lately, I thought I would include her photos.
However I will not write a summary for this church yet, as I always want to see a church first myself, so if you want to know anything about it, see the link above which shows the text on the board you can see in the fist photo of the slideshow. More to follow soon – hopefully!