Churches in Schleswig-Holstein:
In this section, you will find the Round Tower Churches in Schleswig-Holstein:
Barmstedt Heiligen-Geist-Kirche to Süderstapel St Katharinen
Churches in Niedersachsen
In this section, you will find the Round Tower Churches in Niedersachsen:
Betzendorf St Peter & Paul to Suderburg St Remigius
Churches in Nordrhein-Westfalen
In this section, you will find the Round Tower Churches in Nordrhein-Westfalen:
Hagen Heilig-Geist-Kirche to Uerdingen Michaelskirche
Churches in Rheinland-Pfalz / Saarland
In this section, you will find the Round Tower Churches in Rheinland-Pfalz and Saarland:
Bebelsheim St Margareta to Reinheim St Markus
One church in Baden-Württemberg
There is one church in Baden-Württemberg we have visited so far:
St Nikolaus-Kapelle in Achern
Churches in Hesse
In this section, you will find the Round Tower Churches in Hesse:
Crumbach, Griedel and Wölfersheim