Strathpeffer St Anne
St Annes Church Strathpeffer
Where to find this church
Church Information
St Annes church is located in Strathpeffer, a village and spa town in Ross and Cromarty in northern Scotland.
This church is usually open to visitors
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Visiting Strathpeffer St Anne
St Anne’s is another modern church which only has the round tower with the mostly medieval churches on this website in common. However, I have included it for completeness, and as we had the opportunity to visit it. St Anne’s Church lies 5 miles west of Dingwall in Strathpeffer, a spa town which still has a substantial tourist presence. By 1889, in this thriving Victorian spa it was apparent that in order to provide for the influx of workers and visitors a satellite church was needed. Fundraising began immediately and by 1900 St Anne’s Church was built on land donated by Anne Duchess of Sutherland and Countess of Cromartie. Inside, you will be able to see an abundance of stained glass, as all the windows are filled with it. The bells are a ‘carillon’ comprising 8 tubular bells struck by wooden headed hammers, and can be operated by one person. They were restored for the millennium by a member of the congregation.