Frostenden All Saints

What you need to know about this church

All Saints Church Frostenden

Where to find this church

Church Information

All Saints church is located in Frostenden, a village in Suffolk just to the west of the main A12 road to Lowestoft.

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Frostenden All Saints church
Church from the road
Frostenden All Saints church
South doorway

Visiting Frostenden All Saints

All Saints church in Frostenden is one of the churches of which the interior photos are simply a joke, quality-wise and especially quantity-wise: on my first visit (where I found it open), I took three (THREE!!) photos inside this church; not knowing that it would be locked on all our further visits. So the slideshow only gives a poor image of what the interior really looks. So this is a church we surely have to revisit.

With four stone-framed belfry openings, which have medieval brick rere-arches, this tower is dated to the 14th century. There are other similar windows lower down, and, above the belfry openings, is a circle of small slit openings, presumably for sound holes for the bells. The tower steps in slightly below the belfry, which sits on a stone string course. There are of signs of an earlier belfry lower down. On the south and west side of the tower, quite low down, two circles of stone have been inserted, which are old mortars for use with a pestle (for grinding corn or spices). There are both stone-framed and brick-framed put-log holes to be seen (for horizontal scaffolding poles), and facing south-west in the ground floor stage is a stone-framed statue niche with a trefoiled arch. The nave and chancel are under a continuous red-tiled roof, and there is a 14th century south aisle, with the porch in the west end. All the Church walls have been rendered. The porch has a vaulted ceiling, with grotesques and heads on the corbels of the diagonal ribs, animals on the ends of the ribs, and a central boss of a Pelican in its Piety (a symbol of the church). There is an 18th century sundial above the entrance.

Just inside the door is a frontal box, made up from 17th century panels, perhaps formerly part of a pulpit? It has three panels of lion’s faces under arches, and three of flowers on stems, below a frieze of dragons. The font is probably 15th century with Tudor (double) roses alternating with shields round the bowl and engaged shafts round the stem. The font cover is 15th century, and may be the top part of a much taller cover. The tower arch is tall and pointed, and now has a wrought iron grill to make a securable space. In the south aisle is a hand-carried bier with “FROSSINTON 1733” on it. The church also has a 1925 wheeled bier. The fine east window has shafts and two mouldings of dog- tooth carvings round its arch, dated about 1220, and a piscina of a similar date.

Conclusion: village church in a rural setting which is unfortunately usually locked

Frostenden All Saints church
View into the nave
Frostenden All Saints church